Due to the uncertain times we live in, the Prepper universe has exploded in popularity. More Americans are waking up and realizing how important self-reliance will be when SHTF. The good news is that there are now more amazing resources online than ever before to acquire premium preparedness and survival knowledge for free.
Please make sure to add our friends below to your reading list!
Prepper Website
The best aggregator and curator of the entire prepper and survival universe.
Backdoor Survival
Lifestyle tools, tips, and thoughts to guide you through the back door of life in the 21st century.
American Redoubt
One-stop-shop of information focused on helping folks outside the American Redoubt decide on the best destination for a secure retreat or full time family homestead.
Survival Sherpa
Wilderness survival skills, outdoor self-reliance, and preparedness information.
The Prepper Journal
Daily survival blog devoted to a wide variety of preparedness, survival, self-reliance and personal defense topics for readers who want to protect themselves and their family from seen and unseen disasters in our future.
Prepper’s Will
Learn about what it really takes to make it out there in the eventuality of SHTF.
The Organic Prepper
Coverage of preparedness, health, frugality, and food topics, as well as in-depth analysis of current events in relation to preparedness.
Preppers Illustrated
If you just want to learn how to be a better prepper in general, you’ll definitely find what you’re looking for here.
Ask A Prepper
Very popular prepper resource with highly specific and actionable self-reliance how-to articles.
Rogue Preparedness
You don’t have to be rich and you don’t have to get prepared all at once. Learn how to get your preps together slowly and make sure you have exactly what you want.
Prepper Presentations
Preparedness resources and information with a focus on caring for special needs children and adults during a long-term grid-down scenario.
Surviving Prepper
Preparedness and survival resources featuring prepper perspectives from many different regions of the country.
Arizona Weaponcraft Prepper
The blog of Arizona Weaponcraft Solutions, a defensive firearms, survival/preparation and security training company near Phoenix Arizona.
Survival Weekly
Become better prepared for whatever life decides to throw your way, from power outages to natural disasters, pandemics to the dreaded End Of The World As We Know It.
An American Homestead
Learn about land management, solar energy, raising chickens and livestock, gardening, food preservation and self and family sustainability.
Smart Prepper Gear
Dedicated to helping people prepare now so that they can thrive later with in-depth gear reviews and advice.
Armageddon Online
SHTF news and preparation resources with economic, political and social commentary.
The Survival Life
Lots of how-to articles and various reviews of survival gear for preppers of any background, location or skill level.
Prepper Handbook
Great collection of gear reviews and general preparedness advice.
Trayer Wilderness
Faith Led Homesteading, Preparedness, & Off-Grid Living from a family that is truly living the prepper life.
The Survival Place Blog
Dedicated to helping you and your family get prepared for whatever comes your way.
Vigil Prudence
Ideas, thoughts and encouragement on how to be self-reliant, aware and confident.
Talon Survival
Resources for developing a technological knowledge base that can support your fight for survival as you prepare.
M.D. Creekmore
Learn how to reap all the benefits of a self-sustaining lifestyle from the experience and confidence of a certified expert.
Prepper Podcast
Founded in 2009 as the original podcast for preppers.
Alpha Survivalist
Advice and information about how best to prepare for and survive any type of unforeseen survival situation.
Information on survival and preparedness tips, good preparation practices and good insights on what’s needed to be ready.
Patriot Rising
Political and cultural news and commentary.
Doomsday Moose
From preparing for that big storm to surviving a zombie apocalypse, Doomsday Moose has you covered.
Dave’s Homestead
A fantastic source of DIY prepper projects.
Ultimate Prepping
Useful information and resources to help you get prepared for any catastrophe or emergency situation.
Help with becoming more self-reliant and self sufficient in all aspects of life from putting food on the table, to keeping your loved one safe, and staying in good health.
Future Danger
Excellent aggregator of original and sourced SHTF news with unique risk spectrum rating system.
Survivalist Knowledge
Very useful source of practical in-depth prepper DIY advice, projects and resources.